Thankyou Letter
Hey friends,
Just popping by to say a quick hi and a huge thank you!
Like a duck appearing to be gently floating along the surface of the water but whose legs are madly kicking underneath is how you find us at Thankyou.
One of our greatest tensions as a team is that we spend a lot of time working on the future (spoiler alert: think new products, new categories, new packaging, new country announcements (finally landing that No Small Plan plane 🤐), BUT we can easily get caught up in what’s next that we forget to celebrate the wins that are right in front of us.
Every Friday, we close our week out with a meeting we call “Team Thankyou.” It’s a 30-minute gratitude call where we literally thank each other for the big and the little things from the week. On the call, it’s remarkable to see how when people show gratitude for the often seemingly insignificant and ordinary things, it can make such a huge impact.
As significant and exciting as the future feels to us, we wanted to stop and share our weekly (slash daily) sense of gratitude we have for you.
Thank you for (still) choosing Thankyou.
Can you believe it? We’ve been at this thing for over a decade together (😲) and we’ve raised $17.57 million for our impact partners! That’s all on you. Day in, day out, you’ve been showering, washing your hands, scrubbing, moisturising and exfoliating – all those little times you decided to choose Thankyou products have led to a great, big collective real impact on the lives of people living in extreme poverty. It’s not your usual hand wash story. But it’s ours, and yours.
We could not do this without you. Our next campaign is simply this:
A reminder. A tribute. A ‘thank you’ letter. A massive shout out to you, our community, for supporting us and choosing Thankyou in whatever way that looks like for you.
Keep an eye out, we’re going to be sharing some of your stories on our channels!
This is only the beginning.
– Daniel, Justine and the Thankyou team.