A theory of change is a working hypothesis, which sums up the change we are seeking to address in the world, and how we go about it. This is ours.
Amplifying impactful change-makers, exponentially.
Extreme poverty
The funding gap
Donor dysfunction
Thankyou generates and redistributes wealth using a social enterprise model, and practises unrestricted funding, funding impactful partners to help build a world where not one person lives in extreme poverty.
A world where not one person lives in extreme poverty.*
Poverty rate
18 - 78%
9 - 18%
3 - 9%
0 - 3%
*Extreme poverty is defined as living with per capita household consumption below $2.15 per day (in 2017 PPP prices). International dollars are adjusted for inflation and for price difference across countries.
Source: PovcalNet (online analysis tool), World Bank, Washington, DC, October 2018, http://iresearch.worldbank.org/PovcalNet/
The challenges
The challenges
Extreme poverty affects 629 million people - who live on <$2.15 a day.¹ They are deprived of education, healthcare and adequate living conditions, and suffer form poorer health, economic and educational outcomes.²
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call upon individuals and societies to end extreme poverty by 2030. However, there is a real funding gap. It is estimated that the funding gap is $100 billion/year.³
To serve people living in extreme poverty, solutions must address the complex root causes of poverty. But often donors can actually harm the communities they’re serving.
A recent study showed that funders – in trying to do good – were responsible for 46% of program failures.⁴ We tend to fund charities that look and speak like us, and tangible activities that make sense to us. Instead, we need to trust in the capabilities and understanding of local organisations and communities to uncover root-causes and solve issues.
Discover more about this in our letter from the trustees.
- World Bank. Poverty, Prosperity, and Planet Report 2024: Pathways Out of the Polycrisis. Washington, DC: World Bank. https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/poverty-prosperity-and-planet
- https://hdr.undp.org/content/2022-global-multidimensional-poverty-index-mpi#/indicies/ MPI under Annex: The dimensions, indicators, deprivation cutoffs, and weights of the global Multidimensional Poverty Index
- Homi Kharas and Meagan Dooley (2021), Extreme Poverty in the Time of COVID-19 (Brookings Institution) Prepared for the United Nations Virtual Inter-agency Expert Group Meeting on the Implementation of the Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018-2027)
- “Roadblock Analysis Report,” Open Road Alliance, 10 April 2018, https://openroadalliance.org/resource/ora-roadblock-analysis-report.
Our Solutions
Thankyou will generate and redistribute wealth using a social enterprise funding model
Thankyou is a vehicle to redistribute wealth, created through the $69.58 trillion in annual consumer spending, by giving consumers alternative choices.* We also hope that by scaling up and replicating our model, other organisations join us in committing to eliminate extreme poverty.
We believe we can inform and empower millions and in time, billions of consumers to tackle extreme poverty – to amplify the work of our partners and the communities they serve. Ultimately, we hope to help change the mindsets and behaviours of donors, individuals, business, and governments to an unrestricted model of giving.
Practising unrestricted funding
We believe in partnerships grounded in trust, and rooted in humility, transparency, curiosity, and collaboration.** An unrestricted model of giving helps us to be aware of and mitigate the power imbalance between funders and doers.
Thankyou’s commitment to our partners:
- Provide multi-year, unrestricted funding, giving our partners maximum flexibility to deploy and use funding where there is the greatest need
- Reduce the duplication of administration and reporting requirements of our grants, to free up our partners to do more life-saving work and increase administrative efficiency
- Provide honest, timely, responsive, accurate and clear communication
- Commit to learning with our partners and the communities we serve, to help shape and inform our decision making
- Seek, and act upon partner feedback, so we stay accountable to our partners
- Build an internal culture that embodies these values
- Provide partners with non-monetary support to help amplify and realise their mission
Funding impactful partnerships
We believe in partnerships. Because when it comes to identifying and solving the causes of extreme poverty we don’t have all the answers. Real change relies on the ingenuity, passion, and innovation of local communities, governments, businesses, academia and NGOs.
In our interconnected and complex world, multiple variables have a cause-and-effect impact on the poor. Thankyou works with partners who understand this, by funding them and their solutions.
Our impact partners:
Are impact driven
To create measurable, positive change through their programs. Because of the immense responsibility in serving extremely vulnerable communities, our Impact Partners rigorously monitor and evaluate their programs, to ensure their approach has a positive impact.
Think critically about changing systems
Impact Partners find sustainable solutions that tackle the causes of poverty, and address challenges at micro, meso and macro levels. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so they work hand in hand with government, business and communities, drawing on local expertise and knowledge.
Have an endgame
Change is only sustainable if the Impact Partner can transition their programs to local stakeholders, whether civil society, business or government (or a combination). They know philanthropic approaches are short-term, and focus on involving scale partners right from the start.
Have a remarkable team
Our Impact Partners are high in character and in competence. They have a proven track record, are dedicated to serving vulnerable communities with empowering solutions, and have grit and perseverance. They are also backed and governed by an engaged and empowering board.
* World Bank data on Final Consumption Expenditure - Final consumption expenditure is the sum of household final consumption expenditure and general government final consumption expenditure. Source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.CON.TOTL.CD on the 02/08/2020
**Please read more about the principles of Trust-Based Philanthropy here https://trustbasedphilanthropy.org/