(Free!) Good Cleans brought to you by the Thankyou Clean Team
A cleaning force, for good.
Random-acts-of-kindness never fail.
Got a friend, neighbour or a community group doing GOOD things for humans or the planet? Tell us their story and we’ll go show some love and a good old fashioned helping hand, treating them to a deep clean (for free!).
Know of a…
- Mum who’s just had a baby?
- Friend who’s doing it tough at work?
- Sports coach who’s constantly showing up for their team?
- Housing shelter that’s understaffed?
- Neighbour who has been unwell?
- Family struggling with the cost of living?
- Legend who deserves to be recognised?
- Mate going through a tough time?
- Local charity who could use some extra hands?
- School or daycare centre that could use a helping hand and a deep clean?
- A community centre that needs some TLC?
- Elderly person living alone, who needs a lil’ pick-me-up?
- Small business that’s grinding, and needs a little boost?
- Neighbourhood park that’s looking drab?
Show them some love in the form of a Good Clean by Thankyou!
With people all over the country facing tough times, we want to bring back a spirit of hope so we’ve partnered with world-class cleaning companies (Five N Six and Clean As You Go) to curate ‘The Thankyou Clean Team’ who are going to take YOUR lead to brighten up some lives and spaces!
Nominate the legend that comes to mind for you, and we’ll rock up with the Thankyou Clean Team – a Cleaning Force, for good.

Powered by generosity, and Thankyou’s 100% Natural Universal Cleaner (designed to zap grime while fighting extreme poverty), we’re ready to help give some serious TLC.
Be a legend, nominate a legend!
We’ll be scrubbing and shining daily from Wednesday, July 10th to Wednesday, July 17th, in Melbourne and Sydney. So, go ahead! Submit your nominations (by 5 PM AEST Thursday, July 4th), and we’ll be in touch!
How to nominate someone?
- Slide into our DMs on Instagram
- Or, email us at hello@thankyou.co
Thankyou is a movement founded on generosity.
We exist all for the end of extreme poverty. $18.1 million raised to date to fund some of the most amazing charities working to help the world's poor. Our foundation is generosity, just ordinary people, helping people.
So, would you join us in spreading that generosity further to our neighbours? Nominate now!
PS: We wish we could go ALL over the country, but for this time around, we’re keeping it limited to locations around Melbourne and Sydney – but who knows where we’ll end up next time.
T&Cs apply.
Terms and conditions for submissions for cleaning locations:
(a) not all places that are submitted will be cleaned and that Thankyou reserves the right to decide which places will be cleaned in its sole and absolute discretion;
(b) Thankyou will be accepting submissions for cleaning locations from 09:00AM AEST on 03/07/24 until 5:00PM AEST on 04/07/24
(c) The locations that will be cleaned will be subject to obtaining any necessary consents and approvals;
(d) Successful submissions will be contacted via direct message to the Instagram account associated with their submission on 05/07/24
(e) Thankyou will conduct the cleaning between 9:00AM AEST 10/07/17 to 5:00PM on 19/07/24