Impact partner profile

Nuru International

Cultivating lasting meaningful choices in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world

Est. since


Location of HQ

2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste #600 Washington DC 20006, United States of America

Partnership date with Thankyou

September 2020

Area of focus

Security and Development, Agriculture, Economic Development, Healthcare, and Market-based Development


Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso


Nuru aims to equip families with the tools and knowledge they need to lift themselves out of extreme poverty, for good. Working with the most vulnerable members of society in rural regions of fragility in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nuru aims to address unique issues within each area they work in. These issues being; episodic hunger, lack of nutrition, financial shocks, as well as preventable disease and death, and any other challenges (such as drought, agrarian pests, and devastation brought about by violent extremist organisations).

Nuru employs a leadership development program designed to restore agency to local leaders and equip them to build and scale poverty-fighting solutions long after the team exit the area. The Nuru model focuses on long-term service delivery for all program solutions via farmer-led organisations or cooperatives. After 5-7 years of implementation, Nuru projects become a self-sustaining impact model, owned and operated by empowered local leaders, that then expands to additional regions. The Nuru model improves livelihoods and builds resilience in the communities where Nuru works.

Over the years, Nuru has enabled thousands of farmers and their families to transition from subsistence farming to farming as a business. Nuru not only helps communities chart a path out of poverty but by supporting the growth of farmer-owned and farmer-led agribusinesses, Nuru helps farmers to continue to stay out. Nuru has created local organisations in Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, which have enabled thousands of households to grow and thrive in the wake of challenges that range from climate change and environmental pests to political instability and violent extremist organisations (VEOs). Amid these challenges, Nuru farmers and their cooperatives cultivate solutions and improve social cohesion. Every year, Nuru works to expand its reach to eradicate extreme poverty and unlock economic potential within fragile rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Core impact goals

Increase resilience

Nuru have an aim to increase resilience capacities in vulnerable communities. These will be evaluated by an academic research partner using a resilience capacities index.

Increase crop yield for farmers

Nuru aim to achieve a 32% increase in crop yield for farmers they work with during the 2022 season.

Increase income for farmer households

Nuru aims to achieve a 30% increase in income for farmer households based from Nuru-supported livelihoods activities.

Type of grant funding given

758,333* AUD

*Unrestricted Grants funded from September 2020 to present

Scale Nuru Nigeria's full set of program activities to reach 6,000 households in 6 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Nigeria.

Nuru Nigeria reached 4,827 registered farmers (80% of their target) in 2023 and will continue to reach the targeted households in 2024.

Scale Nuru Kenya's full programming to 51 cooperatives with a focus on Baringo county.

Nuru Kenya reached 56 cooperatives in three counties in 2023.

Nuru Ethiopia establishes partnerships with 3 additional cooperative unions to professionalise their institutions and improve service provision capacity to households in extreme poverty.

Nuru Ethiopia reached three new cooperative unions in three new zones in 2023.

Nuru Burkina Faso scales the full sequence of intervention activities to 2,500 households

Nuru Burkina Faso has registered 2,000 farmers in 2023.

Establish registration in Ghana, Togo or Benin for at least 1 Nuru local organisation

Nuru International conducted a preliminary field visit to Ghana in June to validate desk research completed in Q1. By the end of 2023, Nuru Ghana had the prerequisite registration paperwork and is in the midst of a staff hiring process to formally roll out programming in 2024.

Nuru international to raise and secure $8M of funding to be distributed in 2023.

Nuru International raised USD $8.5M in 2023.

Scale Nuru Nigeria's full set of program activities to reach 3,500 households in 3 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Nigeria.

Nuru Nigeria rolled out a complete set of intervention activities to 4,027 households in three LGAs in Nigeria.

Scale Nuru Kenya's full programming to 38 cooperatives in 3 counties.

Nuru Kenya provided full programming to 42 cooperatives across 3 counties in 2022 and has begun engagement and preliminary programs with cooperatives in Baringo County.

Nuru Ethiopia's supported cooperative unions (Hidota and Eisipe Dicha) to provide services to 7,500 households.

Nuru Ethiopia is currently providing services to more than 18,000 households across two cooperatives (Hidota and Eisipe Dicha), exceeding the anticipated scale target due to a shift in strategy to focus efforts at the cooperative union level.

Begin the expansion of Nuru International to Burkina Faso Hire by hiring the initial team, registering the locally-led Nuru organisation, and beginning community engagement by the end of 2022.

Nuru International hired an initial local team, registered Nuru Burkina Faso, and began working with over 1,000 farmers in two communes.

Nuru International to raise and secure $7M of funding to be distributed in 2023.

Nuru International has secured $3.7M in funding as part of a $7.4M prospective funding pipeline for 2023.

Implement complete sequence of integrated development activities that strengthen rural households ability to cope with a variety of shocks by December 2021. Activities include crop production, animal husbandry, financial inclusion, entrepreneurship and household nutrition.

Nuru Nigeria (NN) offered the full suite of livelihood activities, including crop production of soybeans and groundnuts (1,134 crop packages on loan offered), ram animal husbandry (125 rams distributed on loan), digital financial inclusion (722 savers), entrepreneurship training, and vegetable gardens for household nutrition (995 permagardens established). The midpoint resilience evaluation found a significant impact of NN’s intervention on household shock preparedness and mitigation.

Expand enrollment from 500 to 2,500 total farmer households in northeast Nigeria by January 2021.

Nuru Nigeria's cumulative enrollment for 2021 was 1,908 households.

Organise farmers into two farmer-owned cooperatives by April 2021.

Nuru Nigeria anticipates the establishment of three farmer organizations in Q4 2021. This is a brand new activity for NN and came with a learning curve on the legalities of forming and registering a business in rural Nigeria. Another element of the delay was that NN sought to conduct this activity with the financial support of, and in partnership with, a GIZ funding opportunity. This funding opportunity came through in Q4 2021, and NN’s legal representative is supporting on the legal side, so the earlier roadblocks are clear to achieving this milestone.

Distribute farming inputs (seed and fertiliser) and provide training in best agronomic practices to 2,500 farmers by May 2021 for the June to September 2021 farming season.

In 2021, NN distributed 1,134 crop packages and 125 ram packages for overall performance at 50% of the target. Inflationary pressures and the economic havoc caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic resulted in lower than expected uptake of crop loan packages. NN is taking steps to improve uptake and adoption for 2022.

Deliver digital financial services and digital literacy training to 2,500 households, and introduce mobile money and digital wallets comprising of secure, efficient and innovative technology for remote rural areas by December 2021.

Digital financial services and digital literacy training was provided to 1,908 households. Cellulant’s Tingg service for digital financial inclusion has been mainstreamed across all Nuru participants. As a brand new service in Nigeria, and for the first time in this community, payments are being done cashless, while the service has provided for NN’s needs, there have been hiccups along the way. As the digital marketplace expands NN continues to actively seek out the best service provider.

Milestone on-track for completion within specified timeframe, outside of Thankyou’s grant period.
Mostly achieved
>90%+ milestone completion.
Partially achieved
Milestone <90% completed within grant period.
Milestone delayed, not completed within grant period.

The regions where Nuru works are highly fragile and vulnerable to numerous risks including climate change, insurgencies, and political instability. These goals are stretch targets as a result of operating in these high-risk environments. As a result, goals are assessed as ‘on-track’ (have a very high likelihood of soon being achieved) or ‘complete’, defined as >75% of the target being met.