Impact partner profile

International Development Enterprises 

iDE create income and livelihood opportunities for poor, rural households

Est. since


Location of HQ

1021 33rd St., #270 Denver, CO 80205, United States of America

Partnership date with Thankyou

August 2020

Area of focus

Agriculture, WASH, Climate Change, Economic Development, Climate, Gender, and Nutrition


Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Zambia, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Nepal, Vietnam, Honduras, Nicaragua


iDE believes that people should have the power to prosper on their own terms. Their programs are centred around transforming the lives of people who live in the least developed areas of the world.

The team at iDE is focused on championing the rural poor as critical market actors as customers, entrepreneurs, sales agents, producers, and more. They believe that to end poverty we must empower the millions of people who live on $2 a day. By harnessing the power of creativity and entrepreneurship on an individual level, iDE aim to develop a deep understanding of the local market, before designing products and services to ensure people can benefit from them. By delivering these types of systems-change solutions, iDE aim to help people in the communities become self-reliant with the goal of creating a lasting impact.

iDE’s work is framed around a model called Infinite. The Infinite impact model outlines a progression of programmatic approaches (Assess, Availability, Access, Acceptance, Ability, Advocacy, and Adapt) that, when implemented together, create the conditions for a functional and inclusive market ecosystem. The team at iDE work to understand gaps in markets that impede people from participating in their local economy, and then test different solutions to fill those gaps. Successful solutions are replicated and scaled to reach critical mass and serve as a springboard for entire districts, provinces and nations, with the ultimate goal of moving communities from poverty to prosperity.

Across their first 30 years, iDE transformed the lives of over 20 million people, and their ambition in their current strategic plan is to accelerate the rate of impact to millions of people around the globe. To date, iDE has helped 35 million people increase their annual household income by an average of $269 USD.

Core impact goals

Expand their reach to 40 million people

iDE aims to reach 40 million people with impactful WASH and livelihood products and services.

Increase annual average income

iDE aims to ensure that there is an average household income increase of $200 per year for those that acquire WASH and/or livelihood products and services.

Maintain a cost-effectiveness ratio of 10:1

iDE aims to maintain a cost-effectiveness ratio of 10:1. This means every dollar spent on iDE's programs, delivers at least $10 of additional income earned (or saved in the case of WASH) by households with whom iDE works.

Type of grant funding given

$500,000 *AUD

*12 month unrestricted funded grant (August 2020 - July 2021)

FY2021 impact milestones

iDE aims to reach the following impact milestones over the course of Thankyou’s grant period (12 months). Here’s how they went:

Scale their impact to 500,000 individuals, or roughly 100,000 households.
Over the grant cycle, iDE improved the lives of 1,299,989 Individuals in 254,395 households.
Increase household incomes by $200 USD/year.
iDE increased household income by $266 USD per household/year.
Ensure 10:1 of additional income is earned (or saved) by households for $1 that is spent by iDE (see Core Impact Goals for further explanation).
Social Return on Investment - 9.7:1With the unfortunate rise in COVID cases in many of iDE’s countries of operation, iDE saw slowing scale figures compared to the previous period last year where many of the operations could continue in larger programs. Due to the slowing increase in scale numbers and the direct correlation it has with how Social Return on Investment (SROI) is calculated, a decline in iDE's SROI results can also be seen.
Generate $70.5M USD in total economic impact.
iDE was able to generate $214,982,535 USD in economic benefits.
Milestone complete.
On track
Milestone on-track for completion within specified timeframe, outside of Thankyou’s grant period.
Partially achieved
Milestone <90% completed within grant period.
Mostly achieved
>90%+ milestone completion.
Milestone delayed, not completed within grant period.

FY2021 impact report