A thank you letter to Aussie parents

A month and a half ago, we wrote an open letter to parents where we made apretty bold promise: That our new and improved Thankyou nappies will getyou through the night, even if we have to send you a box of Huggies.
We received many raised eyebrows and questions like “can that even be done?” butwe’ve never let that stop us from giving disruptive marketing campaigns a go.
We were confident (from our independent research and consumer feedback) that wewere one of the best nappies available on the market but we were blown away bythe support that we’ve received from Aussie parents in response to our campaign.
The results were awesome, with sales of Thankyou nappies continuing on ourupwards trajectory, despite some of our competitors doubling price promotionsduring the campaign.
With so many new parents giving us a go, we were really surprised that the Huggiesredemption rate was so low - like really low.

Data from the six-week campaign suggests that Thankyou nappies got 99.2%of parents got through the night, with only 318 parents asking to be sent a boxof Huggies.
Most importantly, the tremendous support we’ve received will also help bubs getthrough the night (and life) in countries like Nepal.
Did you know, that every 103 seconds, a woman dies in pregnancy or childbirth, andevery year, 2.7 million babies don’t make it pass their first month.
These sobering figures drive us to do all we can to bring about change incommunities by channelling all profits from our nappy and baby range to our impactpartners.
Through your support, we’ve been able to equip amazing change-agents suchas Parbati to help incredible mums like Sita.
Watch this video to find out more about the ‘why’ behind Thankyou baby.
Here are some of the major highlights from our campaign!

We received so many positive stories from first-time mums who had never tried Thankyou nappies from social media.

Our incredible group of Thankyou ambassadors helped spread the word about our Get You Through The Night offer, producing so many gorgeous photos and beautiful words about our nappies.
Some like @iheartbargains bravely put our nappies to the test and caught it on video!

We even got the media raving about how we were the best nappies in Australia

Did you spot out billboards across the country? We couldn’t have done it without @oohmedia who have been amazing long-term supporters of our mission to help end global poverty.

One of the main reasons we were able to pull it off was because of our incredible tribe of passionate world-changers taking action.
Our ambassadors undertook a secret mission to apply stickers on as many Thankyou nappy boxes in Woolworths all over Australia, and we need to acknowledge these absolute legends joining us in our movement to end global poverty.
We’ve been blown away by the support that we’ve received from Aussie parents, and the incredible amounts of positive feedback from all four corners of the country.
What are we going to do with all our leftover Huggies nappies that went unredeemed? 🤔
We have something special planned, so keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook & Instagram for our next big announcement!

The last 6 weeks have been really encouraging and now more than ever, we know that Thankyou makes the best nappies you’ve never tried.
If you haven’t already, tell your friends, tell your family, and tell every single mama you know about how Thankyou nappies not only get you through the night but also help make a positive change in the lives of mums and bubs around the world.
Love, the Thankyou team
- Words by Thankyou