A Mother’s Hope

Meet Veronika
A beautiful mother to 11-year-old daughter Musyawa living in the heart of Kenya, a beautiful country severely haunted by drought.We had the privilege of getting to know this courageous woman on a project last year when she sat us down and shared her story.She was a proud mum. She loved that her daughter enjoyed singing and would sing to her some nights after school. She was proud that her daughter was hard working and was top of her class in reading and comprehension. Musyawa was smart and sweet spirited and the adoration she held for her daughter was completely evident.

But there was a glimpse of pain behind the pride that Veronika held for her child. A pain that we may never have to experience… that no one should experience.
Veronika shared that her daughter would often cry from hunger when there was little food. Some nights she felt so helpless because the only comfort she could bring was to lay Musyawa on her lap and rock her to sleep.
You see, having lost her husband and being very weak from serious illness Veronika was unable to work and so providing food for herself and her daughter became a daily struggle.
The pressures of motherhood are difficult to juggle at the best of times, yet thousands of mothers around the world don’t even know where their next meal is coming from.
Fear of the future and the worry of not being able to give your family even the most basic of needs is something that no mother should have to carry.
But that was then… Veronika’s face changed when she explained that now, through World Vision food aid programs Thankyou has funded, Veronika can feed herself and her daughter every day. She now has a peace in the present and a hope for the future.
Today we celebrate our mothers. Mothers who look at us with pride and who are our biggest supporters. But most of all we think of women like Veronika who live every day to fight for their families. We are reminded that as we get alongside these women and do what we can to live every day, give every day we can lift whole families out of poverty.