743 million...

Thankyou was founded because we thought it was crazy that 900 million people faced a daily battle to access safe water and that there was no reprieve. We thought it was crazy that 1.4 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrhoea due to ingesting water from contaminated water sources.
We believed that we could make a difference and help lower this number. That a group of young Australians could actually make a real and positive difference. We had one clear idea in mind – to revolutionise the water bottle industry and help end the world water crisis.
That was three years ago and through working collectively with other like-minded people and organizations, we have contributed to the lowering of that number.
According to the newest report from the World Health Organisation and the Joint Monitoring Programme (in charge of monitoring the Millennium Development Goals – specifically the area of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) published this year; this figure has decreased dramatically to an estimated 743 million people.
That means that 157 million people that have gained access to safe water in the last few years. That’s 157 million lives which are changed forever.
The team here at Thankyou are so pumped that we get to play a small role in seeing people gain access to safe water. Thank you for your continued support of Thankyou Water. We are privileged to have your support and partnership and we feel immensely proud that YOU have played such a significant role in seeing this number reduced.
But this is just the beginning and we now have a new number.
That’s 743 million incredible reasons to be inspired to act now.
Lets change the world together.